Oh, and by the way, if someone is willing to help make a french translation of the game, please write info@trophymanager.com, and we\'ll set something up...[/citation]
ya pa tahiti bob pour traduire ??? :p');">
Niklas a écrit :
So sorry it is en anglais
Oh, and by the way, if someone is willing to help make a french translation of the game, please write info@trophymanager.com, and we'll set something up...
ya pa tahiti bob pour traduire ???
So sorry it is en anglais
Oh, and by the way, if someone is willing to help make a french translation of the game, please write info@trophymanager.com, and we'll set something up...
il comprend pas l' anglais déjas j' ai du mal aussi dur dur dur de traduire
Niklas a écrit :
Oh, I forgot something important: The first who sign up will be given the spots in the LNF inside Trophy Manager.
é késako ca ! salut a toi étranger
Oh, I forgot something important: The first who sign up will be given the spots in the LNF inside Trophy Manager.
salut Niklas ! et bon courage pour ton site
neotfc c'est pour toi ça, un jeu en ligne ! lol
Désolé mais mon francais n'est pas terrible, donc le reste du message sera en anglais:
I'm Niklas, 24, from Denmark. I've been to Toulouse once - and I've got a TFC N'Diaye shirt from 2000 And I grew up in a town in Denmark called Tølløse, which is in many ways sounding very close to Toulouse
I've also just created an online manager game, Trophy Manager. And we are about to start a huge BETA test very soon, and we need some French people to come help us test the game. In return we will give away nice league positions (starting with the top division 1!).
We would like to invite you to join our BETA crew and test the game for us, and we will hand out favourable league positions in return. Participation in the game is, and always will be, 100% free. You can find the Trophy Manager french BETA here: